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carlton meal

As you know (if you have been paying attention to the diary) the last couple of months have seen a fair amount of eating, drinking, sightseeing and dancing - all thanks to this group of lovely kids.
Top left are George, Sally and Cindy; Simon (Steve) is next to me and Neil's Bert Newton-type head is bottom right. Niv is bottom left with James in the centre.

luna park group

With the introductions over, this is very much the same group outside one of St. Kilda famous landmarks, Luna Park - a turn of the century theme park. Unfortunately, it is the turn of the previous century, but the rides still made me feel sick - and the face scared Simon...

rich dancing

Talking of scary, this is Richard dancing on one of the many nights out. John Travolta, eat your heart out! This is at the Elephant and Wheelbarrow pub in St. Kilda where a weekly Neighbours night is held so that you can meet your idols from the TV show. Hmmm.

And, unable to keep the pace, you could regularly find Neil in a drunken stupor in the hostel TV room (below) - looks just like an Angel, bless him!

: next :

neil asleep big
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